Easter and Passover… — Does it Matter?


jesus against the easter bunnyRecently a friend posted a video online about how to incorporate the truths about the resurrection of Christ into the “normal” celebration of Easter …. which was presumably all about Easter Egg hunts, plastic “grass”, chocolate and spring bonnets.

Call me crazy, but as Bible-believing Christians, I don’t know why in the world we would ever let it get this far, or why we wouldn’t just clearly identify that which has nothing to do with Christ, and is simply a carryover from Babylonian paganism.   What are we afraid of?

The very word “Easter”- drawn from the goddesses name Oester-  should be an anathema to a Christian.  The Passover, the Jewish feast which Jesus fulfilled, is so rich in truth, so meaningful to our salvation, that to obscure it with fertility symbols, and chocolate and candy is an affront to God.  Why do we make such a costly concession to the secular/pagan world?

The Bible says that Jesus was raised on “First Fruits” … part of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which happened on the 3rd day after the Passover.  Paul confirms in 1 Cor. 15:20 that the Resurrection of Christ was “The First Fruits”.   It wasn’t until hundreds of years later, that, in a fit of anti-Semitism, the church adopted the hybrid idea of “Easter” and separated it from the biblical holiday of Passover and First Fruits.

Your can get more detail on that right here:  http://www.earlychurch.net/easter.htm


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